Looking for Professonal Post-Secondary Trainingin Acting, Singing, Dance or Musical Theatre…in Canada?

Looking forProfessonal Post-SecondaryTraining inActing, Singing, Dance, or Musical Theatre…in Canada?

You've come to the right place!
Programs have mostly been compiled by a very obsessive Google search process done by a single human being.Though every effort has been made, this directory is not perfectly exhaustive.If you know of any programs that are not on this list, or if any information should be updated, please submit them via the contact page.Please note the following program requirements:
  • Programs/Classes MUST be available for students aged 18+
  • To be considered full-time, a program must be at least 3 months long, with full-length work-days
  • Teachers of private lessons/coachings are more than welcome in the part-time list, as long as they are comfortable with teaching adults with professional aspirations
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