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The Most Valuable Part of Post Secondary Training
~Nadya Corscadden
Clowns Theatre School Important

A program is helpful for two things: training and networking with industry professionals.

Is that all?

Is it worth it?

If you can schedule a combination of lessons and classes that satisfy all of your training needs

…then there's absolutely nothing wrong with this approach!

However, the most challenging gap to fill is the most essential thing your training program can provide you with.

What is this magical key takeaway that's hard to recreate if you don't take a training program?

Your family.

A multi-year full-time program is the best way to create a sturdy support system that will be there for you as you embark on your professional journey.

At the very least, when you're sitting in an audition waiting room of talented people, adding a layer of humanity to at least some of your 'competitors' can be a huge relief.

Why is this family so hard to come by outside of a program?

Though training is fundamental…and networking is also essential… it's the family aspect that's almost impossible to replace.

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